I am shameless – Caramelized turkey with shallots and potatoes


I am totally shameless. I know we all spent the last month eating turkey and potatoes. I know at least I shouldn’t keep eating turkey and potatoes. I know I should balance the holidays out by eating nothing but salads and fruits during January. I know. I know. But I couldn’t help it. Turkey was on my mind. So I went and got a turkey breast… and while I was at it I ran into some really tiny potatoes and some decently-sized shallots (which is not common where I shop). So I had to get them too. And of course I had to caramelize all of them together. And even though I am shameless I have no regrets… because the result was this: incredibly sweet and tender shallots, roasted baby potatoes and soft, juicy, turkey slices… all covered in the best jus of your life, thanks to the butter, sugar, shallots and turkey juices all caramelizing together. The only regret I have is not having done something to get more of this legendary jus… I’ll have to think about how to do that next time. But in the meantime, I’ll have to post at least a couple healthy recipes right??
Read more for the recipe.

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Roast turkey breast or – I’m a chicken –

Roast turkey breast

Things change. Plans change. Life changes. Most of the time, we resist it, but fortunately, there’s no escaping it; because change is good, even if endings are hard and letting go is a unimaginable task. But sometimes you’re stuck in a period of nonchange. A period of stagnant, boring, incredibly defeating, un-motivating, seemingly neverending, nonchange. And that, THAT, is when I feel the need to do something drastic, to get out of bed and get in the car and drive until gas runs out, to paint my bedroom walls a crazy neon color, to tell everyone around me about that time when they said something I didn’t like and was hurt, to chop my hair off…anything. But since I am me, and behaving properly always ends up winning and I never do any of those crazy, apparently liberating things, I’ve roasted. I’ve roasted a turkey breast in my need to do something big and exciting. I know…most people would say I’m not even slightly walking out of the boundaries of the nonchange box, and they would be right, I am not. But I’ve had three hours of therapeutic smells coming from the frying pan, the oven, and the delicious platter that comes out of it. So in my opinion, this turkey roast is great, even if it’s not neon-colored. And there’s nothing like soft, warm potatoes roasted in turkey juices and served with a dollop of cream to make you forget about that ugly, stinky box.

Rosemary, shallots, butter, onions Continue reading

Sour Cream Rosemary Potatoes

Rosemary and sour cream baked potatoes

There are some things in life that are always good; finding unexpected money in one of your drawers, receiving a call from someone you miss, having warm feet….it’s a long list. And on that list (at least mine), potatoes will always have a place. I think I can say, with certainty, that I’ve never declined a good potato dish. In any of it’s variants. They’re just so good and go with everything…and there are so many ways you can cook them. They make any ingredient shine. But there’s a few  ingredients that will always be glory to me when baked alongside this lovely tubers: cream, butter, rosemary, and cheese. So here goes a version using a couple of those; rosemary and sour cream. It’s an incredibly fast and easy dish, and it’s also clean. You’ll only need the chopping board, knife, and dish where you’ll be baking. And the result is so good you’ll hardly believe it was that simple. Read more for the recipe.

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