It’s my party I’ll be late if I want to – Lemon and poppyseed meringue cake

lemon and poppyseed meringue cake

Yet another birthday has come and gone. And while last year I was rebellious and decided to celebrate with and overdose of nutella in my birthday party dessert, (as is proper in any birthday party, anywhere, ever) this year I indulged instead in a mile high cake. Because I’m piling on the years, I figured it’s only fitting to pile on the size of the cake. This cake, with it’s polished and big look, has many steps to it, but it’s actually very easy and quick to make, (compared to other -cup- cakes I’ve made) so it was a great choice for a hectic day, in which I ran all across the city since morning and only started to prepare a full make your own grilled cheese bar about 1 hour before the guests arrived. My lateness, and the unpredictable may weather, resulted in what looked very much like an english tea party, instead of lunch. But who’s complaining? You can hardly beat a late lunch with rainy weather, flowers and cake. And gin and tonics instead of tea, of course! Tempted to do the same? Read more for the recipe! Continue reading

The killer combo – Chocolate, banana & almond tart

Chocolate banana almond tart

Recently I’ve had a ton of birthdays. I don’t know why, but March seems to be a popular month amongst people near me to turn older and remind me that in a few more months I will also be adding a year to my belt. This of course, after you’ve passed the 25 mark, is always catastrophic. And while I know that I’m not ancient and that not only the blogging world but the world in general is full of articles praising your late 20’s and telling you how it’s the best time of your life, it still panics me a bit to be reminded I’m also getting older. But. Birthdays also remind me that I have an excuse to eat tons of dessert, have too many drinks and in general be merry. Because as we get older our celebrations evolve with us, and, to my great enjoyment, increasingly involve better food and more importantly, more dessert. (And thankfully, more wine and less tequila shots). But the truly great thing about birthday desserts, is that you get to enjoy them like a little kid, because when you get a killer combo of sweet ingredients that take you back to that very first birthday when you put bananas and chocolate in your mouth, and realised the world was in fact a great place worth making a life in, we all become little kids. And in that moment the crow’s feet round your eyes are purely from smiling. (Except for those unfortunate souls who don’t like chocolate.). This tart, with it’s chocolate ganache, fresh bananas, toasted almonds and whipped cream topping, will actually make you wish you had even more reasons to feel old, just so you could whip one up once a week.
Note: while this tart is very easy to make, if you’re not comfortable making tart shells or are in a hurry, feel free to swap the one in the recipe for a store bought one. Just make sure it’s chocolate! Recipe after the jump. Continue reading

Don’t give a damn – Ferrero Rocher cupcakes with nutella frosting


You know how at certain points in your life you have to just shout out “Screw it, I don’t give a damn about anyone or anything and I’m just going to do whatever I like!”? I do. It doesn’t happen to me that often, but when it does I feel reaaaaally good. (Almost as good as when I eat nutella, but no, not quite) My life lately has been exactly like that. Things happen, people happen, problems happen…and when there’s nothing you can do about anything, the only thing left to do is exactly that – to not give a damn. Especially if at that precise moment of your life you happen to have a 25th birthday which makes you feel incredibly old, single, and stuck in life. (Is this a 25 year old rule or something?) And if you can not give a damn surrounded by friends who are equally not giving any of those damns, then everything is much better! Just like chocolate cupcakes, stuffed with another chocolate and covered with some more chocolate spread. Too much chocolate? Who gives a damn???? And there is no such thing as too much nutella, ever. But I’ll leave my torrid love affair with the heavenly spread for another post. (Suffices to say the frosting recipe called for 100 grams nutella. I used 200. Have no regrets.) Meanwhile, you should really go and read more for this absolutely over the top recipe, who doesn’t care what anyone has to say about it.

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