Grown up kids – Oreo and peanut butter cupcakes

Oreo peanut butter cupcakes

When I was an annoying pre-teen my diet consisted solely of quesadillas and oreos. It’s true, there was a time in the life of this foodie where I totally missed out on one my favorite things in life; eating. I do have to say though, in defense of quesadillas and oreos, they are both incredibly good. I’m pretty sure there aren’t many mexicans out there who’ll deny the deliciousness of cheese, tortillas and salsa. And what can I say about oreos? If you don’t like them, there’s probably something severely wrong with you. Like get-your-butt-to-the-doctor-wrong. Especially if the wonderful cookie sandwiches come accompanied by peanut butter and a tall glass of cold milk. Am I right? Peanut butter and oreos is the ultimate pre-teen combo…and teen, and young adult, and adult and senior. Because it never gets old. At least for me it will always be one of those childhood flavors that I will never outgrow.
And so were born these oreo cupcakes (and cake!)….stuffed with cookies and topped with a not too sweet, melt in your mouth peanut butter frosting. Also topped with more oreos, because you can’t have too many of those. I actually made these for a co-worker who recently left our office and who needed something to remember us by, and what better way than using an already full of memories combination of flavors?Read more for the recipe! Continue reading

Don’t give a damn – Ferrero Rocher cupcakes with nutella frosting


You know how at certain points in your life you have to just shout out “Screw it, I don’t give a damn about anyone or anything and I’m just going to do whatever I like!”? I do. It doesn’t happen to me that often, but when it does I feel reaaaaally good. (Almost as good as when I eat nutella, but no, not quite) My life lately has been exactly like that. Things happen, people happen, problems happen…and when there’s nothing you can do about anything, the only thing left to do is exactly that – to not give a damn. Especially if at that precise moment of your life you happen to have a 25th birthday which makes you feel incredibly old, single, and stuck in life. (Is this a 25 year old rule or something?) And if you can not give a damn surrounded by friends who are equally not giving any of those damns, then everything is much better! Just like chocolate cupcakes, stuffed with another chocolate and covered with some more chocolate spread. Too much chocolate? Who gives a damn???? And there is no such thing as too much nutella, ever. But I’ll leave my torrid love affair with the heavenly spread for another post. (Suffices to say the frosting recipe called for 100 grams nutella. I used 200. Have no regrets.) Meanwhile, you should really go and read more for this absolutely over the top recipe, who doesn’t care what anyone has to say about it.

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Just ’cause they’re pretty – Vanilla cupcakes

Vanilla cupcake with blue frosting

Ok I’ll be honest. I hate cupcakes. Let me correct that. I love cupcakes, they just always happen to be spoiled by ludicrous amounts of frosting. And I seriously don’t get why people love frosting……it’s so freaking sweet and excessive! And that, coming from me, is saying something, because I literally eat sugar cubes. But I just don’t understand how this cupcake frenzy we’re in is the perfect excuse to order a huge dollop of butter and sugar on top of a miserable bit of cake.

That being said though….cupcakes are incredibly cute and fun to make…they’re basically a pastry canvas in which you can go totally crazy decorating, and it’s not the serious undertaking of making say, a wedding cake…it’s just a teeny tiny cake which you can mess up without any serious consequences. The color, shape and flavor of the toppings are endless! So I guess in that part I can understand and get on board the cupcake mania. But since I didn’t want to go all out and make a huge mess of my kitchen (because everyone who decorates cakes know how many freaking utensils and surfaces get covered in sticky sugary stuff) I made a simple vanilla cupcake with buttercream frosting recipe! They actually took about an hour and a half all in all to make! Read more for the recipe.

Vanilla cupcake with two tone frosting

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